At New Chapel: We're on mission.

We leverage our giving for maximum impact.

What do we mean when we use the word, "mission?"  
A Christian mission is an organized effort to spread Christianity.  Simple.  Mission work often involve sending resources, individuals, and groups to aide in spreading the Gospel.  For New Chapel, our primary mission is church planting: Foreign and domestic church-plants are the most effective way of reaching people with the message of Christ.  We also support local and foreign missions that help people find God and a local church through charity. 

Our missions giving is in order.

First: We give toward ministries to win the Jews to Christ.

“I am not ashamed of the Gospel ...for the Jew first and also for the Gentile.”
Romans 1:16
For more on our mission to the Jewish people, click here:

Then: We follow the Bible roadmap for reaching the world shown in Acts 1:8.

“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth…”
Acts 1:8


“Jerusalem” - The Mission to Our City

We will lead the way in local missions for our city through the local church, 

public service, and ministry to the poor and needy. 

Our strategic partner for service to our community is "The Pastor's Friend" Ministries. Read more below.


“Judea and Samaria” - The Mission to Our Nation

Our attention cannot only be for our city, but the spread of the gospel throughout our country. We will partner with ministries and outreaches to serve, give, and minister to those in our extended reach.

Our strategic partner for national missions are ARC. Read more below.


“To the Ends of the Earth” - The Mission to Our World

We determine to “Pray, Send, and Go” into the nations of the world to win the lost to Christ.

Our strategic partners for international missions are "The Pastor's Friend," "ARC," and "Club 1040." Read more below.

  • Erik Harvey - The Pastor's Friend

    Reaching locally and globally - "Always on Mission."

    30-year ministry vet Pastor Erik Harvey leads "The Pastor's Friend." This ministry focuses on four main objectives:

    1. The Local Church: Preaching the Gospel, Training Christians for Ministry, and Empowering Teams for local impact

    2. Local Missions: Outreach and Personal Evangelism Events and Training.

    3. Direct Ministry: Preaching, Training, and Coaching

    4. Foreign Missions: Direct Ministry, Training, & Church Group Trips

    Pastor Erik Harvey has traveled to Mexico, Guatemala, The Philippines, Myanmar, African Nations,  Pakistan, and more. In Pakistan, currently, there are 4 schools, and 1 church where they have freed many enslaved in local brickyards. 

    For more information, or sponsorship opportunities:

    To give: add "Pastors Friend" in the memo.

  • ARC - Association of Related Churches.
    Foreign and Domestic Church Planting

    Today, some of ARC’s church plants have become the largest and fastest-growing churches in the USA. Thousands of people make a decision to follow Christ and are baptized in ARC church plants every year. ARC church plants give over $15 million each year to missions. ARC’s global impact is growing rapidly. Having planted over 1000 churches, and with hundreds more partner churches, ARC has become not only a movement, but a collection of many “tribes” – all with a focus to see a life-giving church in every community in the world. 

    For more information:

    To give: add "ARC" in the memo.

  • Club 1040

    Proclaiming Jesus in the "10/40 Window" - The least-reached nations of the world.

    Club 1040 focuses on three main goals.

    1. Train Leaders: Establishing Training Centers & Churches in Islamic Nations, and North Africa.

    2. Mobilize Missionaries: Recruit, Equip and Mobilize 1000 missionaries to the field.

    3. Inspire the Church to fulfill the Great Commission in our Generation.

    Club 1040 pursues the "10/40" window of the world, where Islam dominates the people of the region. They not only personally proclaim the Gospel within that window, but they create and mobilize local pastors, and then equip them to have a permanent, consistent church to continue the work of the ministry.

    For more information, or sponsorship opportunities:

    To give: add "Club1040" in the memo.

  • Preaching near the Kashmir

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  • Strengthening believers near Sheikhupura

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  • Village Crusade in Gujranwala

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