We have quality steps for you to grow as a disciple of Jesus.

New Chapel Connect

"Connect with God" by partnering & engaging with your first steps in faith.

Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie … It will surely come, It will not tarry…”  Habakkuk 2:2

God has an incredible plan for your life! New Chapel Connect is designed to help you take "first steps" in discipleship by giving opportunity to join with the vision of the church, and connect with God's purpose for your life. In two sessions, you will spend time in a group setting diving into what it looks like to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose and make a difference with your life. Learn more about New Chapel Connect and sign up here.

God has a next step for you.


New Chapel Grow

Take quality steps to be "raised to new life in Christ" at New Chapel Grow.

It's time to move from just being in "the crowd" or "the congregation" to being a committed follower of Jesus. In one (9-week) Group semester, we believe you'll "Find growth in Christ through the fundamentals of our faith."  New Chapel Grow sessions include:

"Alive in Christ."

"The Nature of God."

"Winning in Life."

"The Essentials to Discipleship."

(Bible study and prayer, Fellowship with other believers, Living a Spirit-led life, Giving of yourself...)

"The Power of the Church in my life."

"Living by Faith."

"Relating to God."

"Made for More."

"Making the Most Out of My Life."

What about growing as a disciple after the "Connect & Grow" programming?



Groups are how we care for each other and continue to grow spiritually.

Real care, growth, and life-change happens best in authentic relationships.

It's the way God designed church to be...

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and

proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ." Acts 5:42

God's design for a church body is not only to meet on Sunday

in church services, but also in smaller groups regularly. 

"(We) kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and

from house to house..." Acts 20:20

For more continuing discipleship in Small Groups, click here.

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Bible Reading Plans, Apps, and Print Links

Reading Plans and Apps
We've put together some Bible Reading Plans and Apps to help get you started. 
Dwell Audio Bible App

Dwell is a great app for meditating on Scripture. You can listen to Scripture and choose the background music/reading voice.

Read Scripture App

Read the Bible in chronological order with videos that explain the book and major themes in the Bible.

Bible App:

Each day you'll read passages from the Old Testament, New Testament, and a Gospel or a Psalm.

Need a print copy of a Bible you can read in one year?

Here’s a "One Year" Bible that you read only 6 days a week.

Here's the “One Year Bible.”