• Current Groups Semester

    Spring 2025 Groups

    February 9th - April 20th

    Let's find community.

    An important part of walking out your spiritual growth is finding others on a similar journey. Our Groups are designed to help you thrive by creating a space for authentic connection and Christian growth. Groups meet together on a regular basis and are drawn together by common interests, a specific topic or activity, or a particular demographic. Groups meet throughout the week at various times of the day throughout Grand Rapids.

    Find & join a Group at the Groups Fair on Sunday: Jan. 26th, Feb 2nd, 9th

    To browse or join Small Groups at New Chapel: Click here.




You’ve probably seen small groups meeting and not even realized it. A small group looks like friends at lunch, teams playing basketball, or people studying a book or topic of interest. At its core, a small group is a small gathering of people, and it is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. By participating in small groups, you can expect to connect with others through a common activity, engage in life giving conversation and request prayer.

We believe real life change happens best within authentic relationships in a warm, comfortable atmosphere. It's the way God designed church to be...

"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and

proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ." Acts 5:42

God's design for a church body is not only to meet on Sunday

in church services, but also in smaller groups regularly. 

"(We) kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and

from house to house..." Acts 20:20

Most of our small groups meet once a week in homes, businesses, restaurants, or other locations throughout the city. The groups change and begin again four times a year, so you have the opportunity to try out different ones. You'll never fully experience all that New Chapel has to offer until you connect in a small group! 

To browse or join Small Groups: Click Here.

What should I expect?

What will my Group study?

You can find the list of groups above. Most of our groups are talking about the current series we're working through as a church. Some Groups may decide to use their own study.

How often do Groups meet?

Our small groups will meet for three semesters a year—winter/spring, summer, and fall. During the semester, most groups meet once a week. Small groups are meant to bring meaning and community into the flow of your life so even if you can’t attend every, single meeting, there is still great value in joining a group.

Where do Groups meet?

Small groups meet in places like homes, parks, restaurants, coffee shops and office buildings. The leader of the group selects a meeting spot that best fits the purpose of the group.

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