We can't wait to meet you.


Imagine a church that would go to any length to tell a person that God truly loves them.

Imagine an experience with God that truly inspires and encourages – Someplace that’s alive. Something that’s freshgrowingnew… and all the while familiar, welcoming, and sacred

Imagine a church that’s all about Jesus.

Imagine a church that’s all about you, your family, our community, our schools, and our city meeting the (real) Jesus. Imagine a church that’s alive, on the rise, on fire, and on the move. We dreamed of a church that’s for everyday ordinary people to connect with God. 

Come join the journey. Welcome home.

Hear the "New Chapel Story" for yourself.
We're just getting started!

It's simple.

We want you to love church.

Each weekend at New Chapel we meet for a fun, friendly, and God-focused service featuring exciting, contemporary music and everything you need to make the most of a practical and relevant message. We believe church is an experience, not an appointment. 

We're striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need. In short, we'd like to have the kind of contagious Christianity described in the Bible.  

Every Sunday - 8:30a, 10a, & 11:30a

1029 4 Mile Rd NW

Weekend Services.

Visiting for the first time? We're not going to embarrass you, have you stand up, or ask you to give money during the offering. We get it: Many people want to check out the church and “be anonymous” and that’s fine with us! So come in, grab a free cup of coffee, enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and see if this is the church for you.

If you would like to learn more about New Chapel, be sure to stop by Guest Services where our team will be there with smiling faces to greet you, provide you with a gift for your visit with us, show you a guided tour around our facility, and even help you get your children checked-in to their age-appropriate classroom.

3 months - 5th grade

Our kids team at New Chapel offer creative, exciting programs for children from 3 months through 5th grade. 

We're passionate about having a secure, safe, and fun environment where your kids can build a strong foundation of faith and have fun while doing it by providing age-appropriate worship, Bible stories, and activities during our weekend worship services.

Look for the "KIDS" sign in our commons area to check your kids in to their classrooms. There's a trained NewKidz Leader there ready to welcome your family to the church. Learn more...

Student & Youth Ministry

"Student Culture" is the middle and high school ministry at New Chapel.
We see our students finding healthy relationships, discovering their unique purpose, and making good decisions. Student Culture is a safe place for your 6th-12th grade youth-aged students to grow.

“Student Night” takes place the second Wednesday of the month. More?

Where is New Chapel?

1029 4 Mile Rd. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544

From the moment you pull onto the property, you will feel the excitement of the weekend worship experience at New Chapel. Parking will be a breeze. Look for the “first time guest” parking toward the front of the lot.

What should I wear?

Our attendees come in everything from skinny jeans and chucks to dresses and slacks – so come in whatever you’re comfortable wearing! We’re just excited for you to join us! We’re confident that you’ll fit in no matter how you dress.

Will I have to identify myself or be called out?

No way. We want you to feel welcome at New Chapel. But you’ll never be asked to stand up, identify yourself or anything else that might make you feel uncomfortable. No hassle - guaranteed!

What is worship like?

New Chapel services start with modern Christian music featuring a full band with guitars, drums, keyboards. Our gifted musicians and singers will provide a spiritually moving musical foundation for everyone to join in. It’s all for one purpose—not to experience a band, but to experience God through worship.

You'll feel right at home.

Am I expected to give money?

Giving is an act of worship and obedience for Christians who call New Chapel their home.

As our guest, you’re not expected to give any money. We have been blessed with many opportunities to serve the needs of our community, and through the generosity of our church members, we can meet those needs.

What are Pastor Joe's messages like?

Pastor Joe communicates with an approachable, relevant, practical style. Messages are Bible-based, offering practical life guidance and rich wisdom that's easy to understand.

We pray you’ll feel as though Pastor Joe is talking right to you. Watch a message here.

What about my kids?

NewKidz, the kid’s ministry at New Chapel, exists to partner with parents to see our young people raised to new life in Christ. This is far more than a babysitting service. We view children's ministry as a life-changing, life-giving opportunity to leave a legacy for the next generation. Learn more about NewKidz.

How can I learn more?

If you haven't come to New Chapel as a first-time guest: Come! If you've come, and you're ready to learn more, stay after the 11a service and experience "New Chapel Connect." You'll meet Pastor Joe, and hear about how New Chapel can partner with you and your family for Godly growth.

I'm new to church...

What's step #1?

Let's get to know each other.

If you're fairly new to New Chapel, and want to learn more, your next step is to jump into a New Chapel Connect event. These events happen during all services in the "Grow Room." Meet Pastor Joe, learn about New Chapel, opportunities to meet people, grow in your faith, and serve the Lord. Childcare is provided at New Kidz. Click for more about New Chapel Connect.

What kind of messages will I hear?

The majority of messages we enjoy on Sundays are from our pastor, Joe Bevelacqua. The messages you'll hear are approachable, relevant, and practical sermons with wisdom drawn straight out of the Bible. Over the course of the year, we also host guests like: Pastor Willie George Kiah Bevelacqua, Pastor Gabe George, Pastor Tommy Pinkerton, Pastor Erik Harvey, Pastor Brian Cappiello, Justin Barclay, Dan Seaborn, Garrett Soldano, and the like.  Watch a message here.

Why the name, "New Chapel?"

>> “New”
Jesus makes, “all things new” when we follow Him.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 

Revelation 21:5
“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’”

Colossians 3:10 “Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.”

Isaiah 43:18-19 “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”


>> “Chapel”

The Bible shows us that Christians are the, “temple of the Holy Spirit…”

1 Corinthians 6:19 “Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God… You are not your own…”


Hebrews 10:24-25 "Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together… encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”


When believers gather together to worship Jesus, that’s church!

Pastor Joe says that, “Because, 'New Temple' was taken by the local synagogue (joking), we settled on, 'New Chapel' and haven’t looked back!” The name, “New Chapel” is also a blending of “new” with an older vernacular, “chapel.”  This speaks to our church culture: We’re a diverse blend of the old & new. A classic, sacred message mixed with a new, fresh expression of church.

New. Chapel.

This cultural value is a real expression of our pastor who is a mixture of old and new! The heartbeat of New Chapel to be a church of all generations and backgrounds serving Jesus. Together, we're for people to connect with God and to be raised to new life in Christ.