1. Go big or go home.
We cannot afford to think small, so we wont. We’ll push limits, set audacious goals, and rely fully on God to accomplish what He has for us.
2. We don't talk about the weather.
"Missions" are not for far off lands alone, THE mission is for wherever our feet touch- so time is of the essence.
3. We’re bold in generosity.
We go above and beyond to give sacrificially to the work of God in our city.
4. We’re united under one vision.
Church is not about our personal preferences - but about Gods desires. We believe God called our Pastor to launch and lead New Chapel in connecting people to God.
5. We’re not a buffet, we're a steakhouse.
Simplicity grants focus; focus grants excellence. We place great value on only a few things in order to create an atmosphere that boldly celebrates Jesus and attracts people who need to connect to God.
6. Change isn't a dirty word.
We strive to be culturally and socially relevant: constantly committing to reinvention and change of the packaging of the message we preach to reach a lost and dying world.
7. We’re the faith people.
We speak a life-giving, faith-filled message over our people. We lift up the salvation of Jesus rather than using our influence to condemn.
8. We're a bit southern when it comes to honor.
We freely give honor to those above, beside, and under us because of the calling and potential God has placed within every person.
9. All hands on deck.
This is going to take everybody. We reach children & youth, we honor age, respect diversity, and we impact families. We know that together we can bring more glory to God than we ever could apart.
10. We’re the imagination and innovation people.
We will embrace our limitations- they will inspire our greatest creativity and innovation. We don’t know everything- so we’ll keep learning and incorporate a variety “best practices” to reach people.
11. Love Won at The Cross- that says something about us.
We’re the place where the lost get saved, the saved find victory, and the victorious get going! In response to what Christ accomplished on the cross, we're called to live a victorious life and impact our world!
12. Favor ain’t Fair.
What God is doing through New Chapel is not normal. We will be responsible to offer room for His favor to flow as He builds His church.