We cant stay here...


We can't stay here - Part 1 - "From the mountain top on..." - (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

We can't stay here - Part 2 - "The vantage point of God" - (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

We can't stay here - Part 3 - "Being a church on the move." - (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

We can't stay here - Part 4 - “The invitation to a Miracle Moment...” - 

(Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

We can't stay here - Part 5 - “Read, Receive, Run...” - (Pastor Tommy Pinkerton)

We can't stay here - Part 6 - “Our pledge to move forward...” PLEDGE SUNDAY - (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

We can't stay here - Part 7 - “Strengthening our stake.” MIRACLE OFFERING SUNDAY - (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)