Now Trending

Today’s non-stop headlines and hot topics hit us with more questions than answers. With so many voices, it’s hard to discern the right path. What does God have to say about what’s happening right now? 

Now Trending, Part 1 - "Handling Stress & Burnout: Don’t burn out." (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

Now Trending, Part 2 - "How to deal with difficult people." (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

Now Trending, Part 3 - "Essential Wisdom for Families." (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

Now Trending, Pt 4 - "How to survive the worst moments in life." (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

Now Trending, Part 5 - "Mother’s Day: How do I forgive?" (Kiah Bevelacqua)

Now Trending, Part 6 - "What about the Holy Spirit?" (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)

Now Trending, Part 7 - "Miracle-Working God." (Pastor Joe Bevelacqua)