Secondary Title

The ministry of New Chapel stretches beyond the walls of Sunday morning. Beyond the weekend service, we create many forms of media. Graphic designers play a role in creating the art for a sermon series. Video designers create videos to assist the worship experience. Video editors edit the weekly sermon and put online. Music producers create tracks for our worship songs as well as for other video content. If you have a heart to assist the church in a creative way that involves designing and creating different graphics and videos to be displayed online and on a Sunday morning, then you've come to the right place!

Secondary Title


Our ministry stretches beyond the walls of Sunday morning through the means of technology. We are always looking for people to help us edit our Sunday sermons, put together our video announcements, promote upcoming events, and tell stories in creative ways. If you love piecing together video clips, and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from knowing that the ministry we provide online is to a global audience, this role is right for you. 

Time Commitment: 5 hours during the week

Gifting: Video Editing, Creative

Age Limit: 16+

Physical Labor: No

Background Check: No

Social Interaction: Behind the Scenes

Secondary Title


Love to create designs in Photoshop or Illustrator? Would you enjoy to create the "look and feel" for a sermon series, design logos for our outreaches, or even doing fun designs to assist the worship set on Sunday? Then we'd love your talent to help with designing great art and media for New Chapel.

Time Commitment: 5 hours during the week

Gifting: Photoshop and/or Illustrator editing, Creative

Age Limit: 16+

Physical Labor: No

Background Check: No

Social Interaction: Behind the Scenes

Secondary Title


We film our weekly announcements. The Announcements Producer oversees the filming of the announcements, makes sure the host is well-prepared in the script, and, if need be, edits the announcements to completion. If you have an eye for video and lighting, this is for you!

Time Commitment: 5 hours during the week

Gifting: Film Producing, Video Editing, Creative

Age Limit: 16+

Physical Labor: No

Background Check: No

Social Interaction: Behind the Scenes

Secondary Title


If you enjoy creating music on your computer, then we'd love for you join our production. Our Music Producer will create click-tracks for worship songs, bumper tracks for video announcements, podcast, and series promos.

Time Commitment: 5 hours during the week

Gifting: Music Editing, Creative

Age Limit: 16+

Physical Labor: No

Background Check: No

Social Interaction: Behind the Scenes